The Destiny (Harshit Raj)

Title: The Destiny

Writer: Harshit Raj

Genre: Sci-fi

Word Count: 4,378

Type: Short Story/Flash Fiction

“I Love You too, Mom.”

Ajay muttered to himself while laying on his bed under a fluffy blanket during the chilling cold of the mid-December and looking at the photo of him with his mother, thinking that his mother just said “I Love you son.”

As he was diving deep into the memories, his eyes began to shut but just when they were completely closed, he heard his father from the downstairs,

“Ajay, well you should help me in cleaning the house.”

“Huh….” Ajay exhaled deeply and came back to reality from the deep expedition of the ocean of memories. He walked downstairs and tied a cloth to his mouth covering the nose too, indicating that he is ready to join his dad.

“So, what were you doing in there?” His father asked upon sensing his footsteps.

“Nothing much. Was just talking to mom.”

“Oh Lisa… So you remember your son but not your beloved husband. Then, it looks like I need to join you there soon.

It's been 3 years now. So, how’s everything up there? Do you miss us?”

Ajay was listening to all these while doing the task of cleaning. Suddenly he interrupts his dad by saying “Dad, I am gonna take care of stuff there. Can you handle this part?”

“No problem my child”, His dad replied while wiping the tears that came as the representatives of beautiful memories of his wife as she died 3 years ago in a car accident. Ajay went to the other side of the hall and opened a shelf to realize that it stored a cardboard box filled with his mom’s belongings. While taking all that stuff out, he noticed a small digital watch with a metallic strap, faded grey color, and a diameter of somewhat 3 inches. It was working. The watch said that it was 2:45 p.m. on 16th December 2023.

Since Ajay was fascinated by the carving along the watch and the amount of beauty a small metallic body can hold, he decided to keep that time-teller with him. He kept that watch on the study table beside the photo of his mom in his room and went back to complete the task of cleaning.

P.S.: Well, there was no special reason behind all this cleanup. It was just a day off from both father and son, so they decided to rectify their place.

After completing his task, Ajay went to his room with the thought of studying something. Surely entering high school itself motivates one to study a bit. As he sat studying, he notices the watch and says to himself, “This watch is surely a masterpiece, but what features does it come with? Well, there is only one way to find out.”

He grabs the watch and wears it.

“Woah!!! It fits perfectly.

It’s 3:00 p.m. right now.

So what does this button do? Oh! It's just the stopwatch.

And this? And this?”

..All these phrases were said with a burst of excitement despite being inside his head.

“Huh… But from where can I change the date and time? It’s the most important feature in any watch.

Oh.. There it is. So, if I do thisss…

Yes, now it is 10 minutes slow.”



“Mmmmm, where am I? Wait, how did I even get here? I was in my room, then how am I in the hall at this very moment? This cloth over my face…?

Am I still cleaning things?

But, I thought that I completed it.”

In a state of total surprise, Ajay started cleaning again but yet, he strongly felt that he had already done it, but at the end, he thought that all the things he is thinking of being true can just be a daydream or something like that. But, the state of surprise on his face turned into a shock when he noticed his wrists.

“This watch..,.

What is it doing here? I kept it in my room..”

“Can this watch….? Don’t tell me it is possible. Wait, it's 2:50 p.m. right now. The last time I checked, it was 3:00 p.m. and I was in my room and just then I changed the time to by making the watch 10 minutes slower. So, does that mean


All these felt like a dream to Ajay. He was so shocked that he kept staring at the watch while thinking about all the possibilities that could have resulted in the current situation other than time travel. He pinched himself to confirm whether it was real or not. It was real.

“So, to confirm if this watch can really travel in time, let's do it again. But wait, what did I do to travel 10 minutes back? Ah.. Yeahh.! I changed the time in the settings. Well! Let’s see how to get back. Is the process the same? Oh.. Here.. It looks like this is how we go to the present. This surely looks like an ‘undo’ button. Here, here and done.”



“I am back in my room! Wait, what time is it?”

The watch said 3:03 p.m.

“So, did I just travelled in time? Was that even possible? Does it-”

“Ajay!! Your friends are here, come.” His dad shouted from downstairs. He takes off the watch and goes downstairs while replying “Yeah dad! Am coming.”

“Hi, so what’s the matter?

…And why the hell are you carrying the whole class together? Is there some kind of Gang war?” Ajay was surprised upon seeing all the boys of his class standing at the door.

“Well you see, the atmosphere’s shivering. So we thought of playing football to ignite some fire inside the body, so that we can survive the night,” said one of his friends.

“Ah.. I see.

Wait a second.” Ajay starts wearing his shoes and informs his father about the football plan.

After an exhausting 2-hour session of football, Ajay returns back home and finds his father reading a book while lying on the floor.

“Dad, first of all, one should not read while relaxing or lying around, and at least put a mattress or bed sheet beneath. Aren’t you feeling cold?”

“Oh my! Well then, how about I just put down the book? If I am not going to lie around. In a so-called lazy way, then what’s the point of doing something good to neutralize the effect.”

Upon listening to this, Ajay says mockingly, “And do you want me to laugh at this lame joke? It was not at all. You should take care of yourself, especially during this season of severe cold.”

“Roger that sir. I’ll do as you say.”

“Stop mocking me…

Well, dad? Did you take your medicine?”


“Stop acting. I just told you to take care of yourself. How many more reminders do you need? You are important to me.”

Ajay brings his dad’s medicines from the drawer with a glass of lukewarm water and tells him which one to take when. It didn’t take much time to explain everything to his dad and after doing so, he went to the kitchen to prepare the dinner.

The dinner was ready till 8:00 p.m.

“Dad, dinner’s ready.”

“Huh.. So early?”

“Well ! I have to study a bit and early dinner also means early and good sleep, which is important and required for you.”

“Oh.. So that’s the reason.

Then just wait a moment. I am coming. And then ‘will start together.”

The menu for the dinner was egg curry and for the desserts, ‘kheer’ (Sweet combination of rice and milk) was there. After eating dinner, Ajay makes the bed for his father and goes to his room to study. He closed the door and took a deep breath indicating the readiness for the challenge. While moving towards the study table, he notices the watch and totally forgets about the studies. All he is thinking about is the watch, how did his mom get it? And how is time travel even possible?

As he gained back the control of his mind from the deep thoughts, he found himself looking at the picture of him with his mother.

“What if I go back 3 years to prevent that accident? Will mom be with me now, if I do so, or something close to that?

So, if we see, technically I have the whole night to do so, if I decide to.

If that’s so, then why am I even thinking about it? Of course I will go. Even if I had one chance to save her, I will do it without a single moment of hesitation. So, what’s the point of thinking before doing that?”

All these phrases were said so loudly inside Ajay's head that if they were allowed to be spoken out, a flood of emotions would have come. As he said that there was no second thought for it, he started to recall and find the time of the accident. The date was already written on the photo in front of him, 11 June 2020. As much as he remembered, it was around 11:30 a.m. when he got to know about the accident. He quickly wears the watch and changes the date and time to 9:30 a.m. on 11 June 2020.



“Did I went back in time?

The watch shows 11 June, but am I really there?”

Suddenly he listens to a familiar yet uncommon sound, which he yearned for 3 years.

“Ajay, the breakfast is ready”, his mom said.

He ran downstairs and saw that his mother was in the kitchen, preparing breakfast and dad was reading the newspaper at the dining table. He ran towards his mom and hugged her tightly. His mother was surprised for a second but then with a warm smile, said “Oh my… Did you have a nightmare?” And without even asking what it was or what happened she said “Don't worry. Mom’s always with you.” Till now, Ajay’s eyes became wet and his tears were non-stop after seeing his mom after such a long time. While wiping his tears, his mother asked “So, what do you want for your birthday? It's just a week away.”

He thinks, “Huh… My birthday??

Oh.. 20th June. Well mom, I stopped celebrating my birthday after you have gone.”

However, acting unknown he replies, “I don't know. I just want you and dad with me.”

“Then how about I make your favorite food today after returning, since your birthday present, which I decided, should be a surprise.”


“What? Did you say something?”

“No. It's just that my head is aching. So, I want you to stay at home with me. Please..”

“Is this related to that nightmare?

You really are bad at lying”, his mother said with a giggle.

“Yeah, but my head too. Please mom.”

“Why don't you just rest for the day. It's your vacation too. Just relax and lie on the bed. Am sure that this way your headache will automatically vanish.”


“Is there something wron-”


“Okay, okay. Let me just inform my boss about the leave.”

Suddenly, Ajay's father says, “Your leave has been approved.”

“Oh come on. You are not my boss.”

“But I am more senior than you.

Don't worry darling, I'll talk to the boss about your leave. And even Ajay has felt lonely at home many times. So it'd be better if you just stay at home today with him.”

“Hmm.. Yeah, you’re right.”

The environment was filled with love, fun, care for each other and understanding. All three laughed and had breakfast together.

“Oh shit. It's 10:30 already. I should leave now or I will have to take the day off too.”

Ajay's dad left the house in a hurry after saying “Bye” to him and his mom.

Amidst this whole situation, Ajay was thinking about the accident.

“The accident happened at 11:30. So, if mom is safe even a minute later, she would be alive 3 years later too.”

While thinking all these, he sat to watch T.V, so that he can pass the time since his mother is not going anywhere outside, and he can keep an eye on her while watching the T.V. too.

“You better not switch on the T.V.

You said that you were having a headache, right? So, Just rest.”

Ajay sighs, stands up and starts moving towards his room while saying, “Mom, you too come.”

“Okay. Just let me complete the utensils first.”

Ajay agrees and enters his room. There, to his surprise, the room was somewhat different. Then he realized that of course it will be. He is 3 years back in time.

“Aren't these books from middle school?

Oh God! This sure is nostalgic.

The picture..

Yeah, it's not here either.

Well, the main goal of this time travel is to save mom, and that should be the priority of my mind.”

The room was filled with the air of silence. The ticking of the clock was clearly audible. Ajay glances at his watch, it's 11:00 a.m. His mind is completely submerged in the thoughts of this whole time travel thing and its possibilities.

“Why isn't mom coming?”

He shouts loudly, “MOM”

“Just 2 minutes,” she replied.

The time was moving normally, yet these final 30 minutes felt like years to Ajay. Exactly at 11:07, his mother entered his room and found Ajay staring at the ceiling while laying on the bed.

“So how about a head massage?” His mother asked.

He regained his focus and quickly turned sidewards to see his mother.

“Umm.. Nothing. I just want you to sit here.”

“As you wish sir.”

His mother sat on the bed and Ajay lied on her lap with the thought of doing endless talks.



“We will always be together?”

“That nightmare surely would have been scary. However, yes my boy, we will always be together.”

Ajay smiled but soon got down and muttered, “And yet you left me and dad alone. Why?”

“What? Did you say something?”

“No, No. It's nothing. I was just thanking God for this lovely life.”

“Hmm.. Looks like you have grown-”

Suddenly the doorbell rings.

“Ajay, you wait here. Until then, I'm gonna see who's at the door.”


Ajay's mother leaves the room and the sounds of her steps going downstairs were clearly heard and, at the end, faded.

A few minutes passed.

Ajay casually notices the time. It was 11:29 a.m.

“How did I even forget about that? Where was I lost?”

He ran downstairs and went to the door. His mother was not there. He quickly went outside and saw his mother in the car. He got scared of the increasing possibility of the accident. He shouted to his mother, but she was unable to hear him from inside the car.

In the next fraction of second, a truck headed towards the car. The truck driver kept shouting that the truck was uncontrollable. The brakes failed. But, it was too late to react. The truck came right towards the car and crashed into it.

Soon, the blood started flowing on the ground. It all happened in front of the eyes of Ajay. He was scared, and too stunned to even think or speak. He walked slowly towards the point of accident. Everyone around bundled there, just standing and looking at the smashed car. Ajay gets inside the circle of people and sits beside the car. He touches the blood on the ground. He was not able to feel it. Then, with a low and inferior voice, he said “Mom..?”

As he started to feel the blood over his hands, he realized that his mom went through a car accident, again, and this time it all happened before him. 

“How useless am I? I knew this was going to happen but still I was unable to do anything.”

These phrases kept echoing in his mind.


I still have that watch with me.

I am still able to go back in time.

I can still save mom.

Yes. I will.”

He quickly changes the time to 11:05 a.m.



“I am in my room again.”

Exactly at 11:07, his mom enters the room and finds him staring at the ceiling while laying in the bed.

“So how about a head massage?” His mother asked.

“All this is happening again.” Ajay realizes the time loop and stocks to the previous script.

“Umm.. Nothing. I just want you to sit here.”

“As you wish sir.”

His mother sat on the bed and Ajay lied on her lap. He knew all of this and was just waiting for that doorbell to ring. Till then, he asked the same question, which he had asked before,



“We will always be together?”

Just to hear the same answer as he cared nothing about talking this time. His only goal was to save his mom at 11:30.

The doorbell rang.

“Ajay, you wait here. Until then, I'm gonna see who's at the door.”

“No !!

I mean, I will come along too.” His eyes were filled with the light of determination to save his mom which clearly got reflected in his voice and still he controlled his words.

“It's there something wrong?” His mother asked.

“No, nothing. It's just that I don't feel good, and that's why.”


I don't know why, but you are acting kind of weird today. However, no problem, come with me.”

Both Ajay and his mom got downstairs and opened the door. It was some unknown person with a dark black beard, varsity jacket, blue jeans and a funky cap.


Umm.. Well, is that car yours?”

“Yeah” Ajay's mother replied to that strange man.

“Can you please move it a bit? Actually, I am having a little issue in overtaking it. It's on the road.”

“No problem sir. Let me grab the keys”

“Thanks a lot mam.” The man went to his car.

Ajay's mom went inside and grabbed the car keys from the key holder. Ajay was standing at the door quietly with his eyes fixed on his mom. He just then remembered that the reason for her death was a car accident, and once again she is going to be in the car, with the time being around 11:30. He stopped his mom and said,

“Mom, we should leave it as it is. He will figure out a way to get past our car. Why should we care about his problems?”

“And here you are getting wrong, he asked for our help, we are the one who parked the car improperly. Thus, it's our responsibility to accept his request.”

“But mom liste-”

His mother interrupted him and went towards the car while saying, “Don't worry. I will come back soon.”

“Wait-” Ajay shouted but his mother got in the car.

Now, he knew what was going to happen, but still he decided to be there watching his mom because of that little hope that maybe the truck would not come.

A moment later, he sees his mom on the road, driving the car. Everything was going smoothly. She reversed the car for the other man to pass by and then why to drive it to its proper parking area.

But all of Ajay's hopes shattered when he saw that same truck again. Coming towards the car in which his mom was sitting. The driver kept shouting to move and at the very moment before the accident he jumped. Soon, the blood started to flow on the ground. It all happened once again.


Why am I so useless?

This was my second chance to save mom and yet I failed despite knowing each and every detail.

I had the watch with me. And still I am unable to save mom.”

His eyes became the source of some great waterfall from which love, care, and memories were shed as tears. Once again, with sparkling, hopeful eyes he took out the watch from his pocket.

“I am not done until I save mom.”

He changes the time back to 11:05 a.m. and his mother enters the room at 11:07. The same actions, the same talks, the same feeling was experienced, for the third time in a row.

The doorbell rang.

“Ajay, you wait here. Until then, I'm gonna see who's at the door.”

“No !!

I mean, let it pass.

Maybe someone is just pranking us by casually ringing the bell.” He replied.

He knew everything. Who's at the door, And what will happen next. But still his time and the choice of words were right to the point where they felt real.


But what if anyone is literally at the door, waiting for our response?”

“But who will come during this blazing hot weather? It's around the mid of June.”

Ajay was handling the whole situation like a professional. He persuaded his mom and made her ignore that ring. But the bell rang again.

“See.. Looks like this is no prank.” His mother said.

“But-” Ajay tried to say something but stopped as his mother started speaking.

“What's wrong? You are acting kind of weird. Is it because of that nightmare?”

Ajay was already losing his patience. And this question made him lose it all. He was unable to think of any other way to stop his mom. He didn't want to lose his mom, once again. He already has witnessed enough and this time he wanted his mom safe. And all these factors resulted in Ajay blabbering all about the whole situation, the complete truth.

“It's because you are going to die-”


“I am Ajay. But not of present. From 3 years later.

Mom, you died on 11 June 2020, exactly at 11:30. You were going to work as usual and then suffered through a car accident. Since I made you stay at home, now, the one who's at the door is just a stranger who finds it difficult to cross the road because of our car. So, he wants us to move it a little and when you do so, an uncontrolled truck will crash into you and you will be dead. Before this, I already tried saving you 2 times, but I failed either time.

I fail…ed to save yo..ou”

Ajay starts sobering. His mother was standing in front of him with a surprised look on her face. Sure couldn't understand anything.

“Son, maybe you're saying anything because of that headache or did you have a fever too?”

Ajay takes or his watch and too explain everything, says 

“This watch…

I found this while cleaning the house 3 years later, in 2023 with dad.

It was kept with your belongings.

When I came to know that this watch possesses the power of time travel, I came all the way 3 years back to save you.”

The sense of surprise on his mom's face vanished and turned into a warm and lovely smile when she saw the watch and understood everything. She went to Ajay, wiped his tears and hugged him in a soft and gentle way by saying,

“You surely are a smart and brave boy.

I'm proud of you.

I'm proud of myself for having you.

And still you didn't notice the fact that of course you can travel in time.

Obviously you can come in the past and relive the moment.

Obviously you can change some small things and actions in the past which don't affect the future greatly.

But still, the past is recognized by some major events and breakthroughs which largely influences the future and even if you try to change these events, they are bound to happen in one way or another.

I died in a car accident while going to work, and you made me take a day off, but still I died in a car accident. My death is a certain event at 11:30 a.m. So you can't change this certainty. However you did change some small connected moments and I got to spend my last moments with you which I am grateful for, but trying to save me is useless because no matter what you do. I'll die. That's why, you should go back from where you came in 2023 because if you keep disappearing from that time, you will make dad worry.”

Ajay understood every single word his mother said, but refused to accept it. He just wanted to save his mom and live together with his mom and dad in future. So, despite being completely broken from inside, he kept a determined face with eyes full of hope and wanted to ask for some other way.

However, his mother broke the silence and said,

“Son, there is no need to fake that face. I clearly know what's going inside you.

But there's no way to undo this event. However there's one ‘undo’ button on your watch. Don't let your dad worry about you and take care of both yourself and your dad.

Mom's always with you.”

Ajay burst into tears upon hearing this and cried over the shoulders of his mom. She again held him in hand and wiped his tears and said,

“It's 11:23, you should go now.”

Ajay didn't want to leave his mother but staying way more hurtful than returning back. So he went to his mom and hugged her tightly by saying that he misses her a lot. His mom replied that she too misses him and his dad, and she is always watching them and wants both to do their best.

11:25 a.m.

Ajay was ready to return. His mom can towards him and softly kissed in his forehead by saying

“I love you son.”

Ajay smiled with the despair of not being able to save his mom asking the gratefulness of meeting and spending time with her again. He moves a step backwards and while looking into the deep, limitless ocean-like eyes of his mother replied,

“I Love you too, Mom.”

All copyrights are reserved. The writer is the owner of this piece and 'The Narratives' doesn't take any responsibility for mistakes in writing.